I want to thank anyone who views this page and baring with my horrible timing when it comes to learning how to code. I am not ashamed to admit that I have literally gave up on trying to add image backgrounds because I cannot figure out how to make the background image scroll with the page rather than it be a static image. I swear I'm doing the coding correct, it just doesn't seem to work. Which is fine! I can, eventually, make my own repeating background, it'll just take some time to make something I like.

I want to take a moment to explain what this website is going to be! It's gonna be a central hub for everything that I do creatively. I hope to have pages that're going to be interactive reference sheets for my characters. At this point in time, however, my progress is going extremely slow as coding has proven to be one of the easiest but also hardest things I think I've ever done. I know that I'll get it eventually, but it's still a very long process, given my rather ambitious ideas.

At this point in time, I will refer all of you to the links above for navigation to places that are far more set up than here. Hopefully I can continue to find the time to work on this website while working a full time job with the looming threat of the store closing down, trying to find a new job because of afore mentioned threat, as well as just keeping up with my creative things.